
OpenGB is an Open Source project and all contributions are gratefully appreciated.

By donating your time and skills you are helping to build a platform used by 3D printing enthusiasts around the globe!



OpenGB is written in Python and hosted in the Github repository re-3D/opengb.

OpenGB Web

The OpenGB web frontend is written in Vue.js, a Javascript framework. It is hosted separately in the Github repository re-3D/opengb-web.

Changes to the frontend trigger a build which outputs to re-3D/opengb-web/dist. This directory is periodically pulled into the OpenGB repo using git read-tree as described in the OpenGB README.

Bug Reports

Report bugs as OpenGB Github issues using the label bug.

Be sure to check existing issues for duplicates.

Feature Requests

Request features as OpenGB Github issues using the label enhancement.

Be sure to check existing issues for duplicates.

Submitting Code

  1. Create an OpenGB Github issue for the bug/feature in question (if one does not already exist).
  2. Fork the OpenGB repository.
  3. Create a topic branch off develop.
  4. Make changes, being aware of:
    • Logical commits
    • Whitespace
    • PEP8
  5. Update the CHANGELOG following the instructions therein.
  6. Push changes to your topic branch.
  7. Submit a PR.
  8. Wait for feedback from a project maintainer.